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  1.  The parents of students of a recognised school may establish, and maintain from among their number, a parent’s association for that school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of students of that school.

  2.  A parents’ association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the Board, Principal, teachers and students of a school and for that  purpose may:

    1. advise the Principal or the Board on any matter relating to the school and the Principal or the Board, as the case may be, shall have regard to any such advice and

    2. adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents, in consultation with the Principal, in the operation of the school.

  3.  The Board shall promote contact between the school, parents of students in that school and the community and shall facilitate and give all reasonable assistance to parents who wish to establish a parents’ association and to a parents’ association when it is established.

  4. (a) A parents’ association shall, following consultation with its members, make rules governing its meetings and the business and conduct of its affairs.

(b) Where a parents’ association is affiliated to a national association of parents, the rules referred to in paragraph (a) shall be in accordance with guidelines issued by that national association of parents with the concurrence of the Minister.

(Education Act 1998, Section 26)

Workling Effectively as a Parent Association:


Mercy College Parents Association

The Parent Association at Mercy College is a very active and vibrant association and is open to all parents and guardians. It is a vital and valued link between the College and the parents of the students and plays a key role in the life of the school. The Parent Association is friendly, informal and productive.  During the academic year, the Association hold regular meetings in the school which are open to all parents.  These meetings give parents a forum for discussion, opportunities to address trends in education and policy development.  Two parents also represent the parent body on the Board of Management.


Aims of the Parent Association:

  • To represent the views of parents and guardians
  • To inform parents and guardians of developments in the College and in the wider area of education
  • To foster cooperation between parents/guardians, teachers and College Management
  • To arrange talks of interest for parents throughout the academic year
  • To raise funds for the benefit of the students in the College


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