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1. All students should be on time for class and enter the room in an orderly manner.
2. Students should present in correct uniform to class – no hoodies or non-uniform jackets to be worn.
3. Students must sit in assigned seats unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
4. Students should take out necessary class materials and homework journal immediately.
5. Chewing gum, drinking or eating is not allowed in class.
6. Students should not speak out of turn or distract other students during the class.
7. Students should be respectful to others (teachers, students, secretary, caretaker, visitors to the school etc.) at all times – use of nicknames or referring to others in derogatory terms is not acceptable.
8. Use of bad language is not acceptable. Bad language directed towards a teacher is a serious breach of the Code of Behaviour.
9. Students who persist in disturbing the class will be removed to another classroom and their year head will be notified.
10. Use of mobile phones during the school day is prohibited.